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Shreshtha Ayurveda | Panchakarma treatments

What is Panchakarma?

Panchakarma is Ayurvedic therapeutic and curative treatment method. This treatment protocol is useful for detoxification and correction which helps to address the disease condition from the root.

This comprises of 5 kinds of treatment, Vamana, Virechana, Basti, Nasya and Raktamokshan.


Panchakarma is extremely beneficial in chronic ailments and immunity related disorders. These therapies target toxins that cause deep-seated illness, while balancing the Tridoshas (Vata, Pitta, Kapha).

The Panchakarma therapies are scientifically proven to eliminate several dangerous toxins.

It has been scientifically proven that natural purification treatments can successfully eliminate environmentally toxic substances such as polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB's) and pesticides from our body, without damaging it or causing side effects.

A study at the Institute of Science, Technology and Public Policy at the Maharishi University of Management in Fairfield, Iowa in collaboration with a special laboratory at Colorado University demonstrated that classical Panchakarma Treatment eliminated up to 50% of the detectable toxins in the blood.

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What is Panchakarma? | Shreshtha Ayurveda

Panchakarma at Shreshtha Ayurveda Center

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Shreshtha Ayurvedic Center is the best Panchakarma center in Bangalore. We have a full-fledged Panchakarma Center.

The focus is on providing curative therapies for the treatment of medical ailments. The treatments are prescription based and are initiated after consultation with the Ayurvedic consultant. The treatments are administered scientifically by trained and experienced therapists. Diet and other lifestyle advice accompany the treatment which ensures good results.

We have found good results with Panchakarma in the treatment of:

  • Paralysis Joint/ Muscular pain

  • Rheumatoid Arthritis and Osteo Arthritis

  • Migraine

  • Hypertension (High BP)

  • Male and Female infertility

  • PCOS

  • Lumbar Spondylosis

  • Cervical spondylosis

  • Anxiety & Depression

  • Insomnia

  • Hypothyroidism

  • Refractive error

  • Trigeminal Neuralgia

  • Eczema and Psoriasis and many more conditions

Different Types of Panchakarma Treatments

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Vamana (Induced vomiting)

Panchakarma | Vamana treatments | Shreshtha Ayurveda

Vamana is a medicated emesis therapy which removes Kapha dosha collected in the body and the respiratory tract through vomiting.

What are the Benefits of Vamana?

Bronchial Asthma, Chronic Allergies, Hay Fever, Vitiligo, Psoriasis, Hyperacidity, Chronic Indigestion Nasal Congestion, Edema, Obesity, Psychological disorders, Skin disorders.

Virechana (Purgation)

Panchakarma | Virechana treatments | Shreshtha Ayurveda

Virechana is medicated purgation therapy which removes the Pitta toxins accumulated in the body. It completely cleanses the gastro-intestinal tract. It is a safe procedure without side effects.

What are the Benefits of Virechana?

It helps to root out Chronic Fever, Diabetes, Asthma, Skin disorders such as Herpes, Paraplegia, Hemiplegia Joint disorders, Digestive disorders, Constipation, Hyperacidity, Vitiligo, Psoriasis, Headaches, Elephantiasis and Gynaecological disorders

(Medications administered through enema method)

Panchakarma | Basti treatments | Shreshtha Ayurveda

Basti (Enema) is considered as the mother of all Panchakarma treatments.


It is an effective treatment for ailments affecting all the 3 doshas : Vata, Pitta and Kapha.


Even though the medicines are administered through the anal route, Basti is very different from the soap water or glycerine enemas given for bowel cleansing. A formulation with 5 kinds of medicines.

Medicated oil or ghee, a herbal decoction, a herbal paste with honey and Saindhava salt is given as enema. The processing of this formulation makes it highly absorbable and imparts benefits at the systemic and cellular level.


This treatment is provided for several days, based on the medical condition of a person. At Shreshtha Ayurvedic Center, we administer the classical way of Basti and have found good results for both male and female infertility.

What are the Benefits of Basti?

It helps in conditions like Hemiplegia, Paraplegia, Colitis, Convalescence, Cervical Spondylosis, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Constipation, Digestive disorders, Backache & Sciatica, Hepatomegaly & Splenomegaly, Obesity, Piles, Sexual Debility & Infertility.

Nasya (Instilling medicines through the nose)

Panchakarma | Nasya treatments | Shreshtha Ayurveda

Nasya involves administration of medications, through the nose to cleanse accumulated Kapha toxins from the head and neck region. Based on the medical condition of a person, it can be given up to 30 days.


What are the benefits of Naysa?

Nasya is beneficial in Trigeminal Neuralgia, insomnia, Hyperpigmentation, Migraine, Sinusitis, Cervical Spondylosis, Bel's Palsy, Allergic rhinitis, paraplegia, headaches of various origins and Nasal polyps. Nasya improves memory, protects from premature graying of hair and improves clarity of voice.


Panchakarma | Raktamokshana treatment | Shreshtha Ayurveda

Raktamokshana is a procedure of bloodletting by various methods and is advised in conditions requiring blood cleansing.

What are the benefits of Raktamokshana ?

Skin diseases, herpes, Liver disorders, Swelling, Tumors, non-healing ulcers and other diseases caused by the vitiation of rakta along with the other doshas.

Detoxification programs with Panchakarma

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Panchakarma is one of the most unique features of Ayurveda. The word Panchakarma literally means, ‘five actions/processes’- meaning five actions taken to remove toxins and cleanse the body deeply. The five processes are

  • Vamana

  • Virechana

  • Basti

  • Nasya

  • Raktamokshana

Panchakarma processes can be preventive as well as curative. The Panchakarma therapies, as a preventive focuses on drawing out toxins from our bodies and hence restores the natural balance. Panchakarma when used a curative/ therapeutic tool, accelerates the healing process and produces quick and positive clinical outcomes.

Detoxification therapies are recommended to be done periodically- annually or once in 6 months. We promptly give our vehicles for service and maintenance. Our bodies too need that care, right?

Panchakarma Programs | Shreshtha Ayurveda

Benefits of Detoxification therapy with Panchakarma

  • Cleanses toxins from the entire body                                     

  • Balances Doshas- Vatha, Pitta & Kapha

  • Improves gut health

  • Enhances immunity

  • Repairs damage caused from stress

  • Rejuvenates tissues

  • Regulates metabolic rate

  • Reduces pain & inflammation

  • Enhances blood circulation

  • Improves mental health

  • Promotes lightness & better energy

  • Helps weight loss

  • Better hair & skin health

  • Recharges the body & Mind


At Shreshtha Ayurvedic center, we offer the classical detoxification therapy for a period of 5/8/15/18 days. When you sign-up for one of these programs, you can avail a free consultation with our Senior Ayurveda Consultants- Dr Santosh S/ Dr Anupama S.

Ayurveda looks at each person as a bio-individual and does not subscribe to one size- fits all model. Our doctors will choose the right herbs, oils and medicines suitable for you to undergo the Detoxification therapies. Diet and lifestyle advice will naturally be a part of the program.

Who will benefit from Detoxification therapies with Panchakarma?

People with

  • Auto immune conditions

  • Chronic health concerns

  • Recurrent cough/cold/fever

  • Seasonal allergies

  • Stressful jobs

  • Chances of hereditary diseases

  • Anyone who is keen to take care of their health from inside-out

Call/WhatsApp us on 9900651800 to know more.

Pre-conception Panchakarma for couples

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Ayurveda considers conception is the natural manifestation of optimal health of the couple. Our body has Sapta dhathus (7 body tissues/ systems) which along with Vatha, Pitta and Kapha- are responsible for all the functions of the body.

Shukra dhatu- word used for both male and female reproductive system- is the final dhathu which is the essence of all the other 6 dhatus. Let us consider this example: if we imagine our body to be a 7-storey building, Shukra dhathu is the 7th and the topmost floor. The lower 6 floors have to be strong and sturdy for the 7th floor to remain strong.


Most often, when it comes to fertility/ conception, a lot of focus is only on the reproductive health while neglecting the foundational health.

Ayurveda recommends that we look into the health of the foundational 6 dhathus and then target strengthening and nourishing the Shukra dhathu. In this direction, pre-conception Panchakarma is the first step towards a healthy conception.

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For Male:

  • Full body detoxification

  • Reduces free radical damage

  • Improves semen parameters

    • Volume

    • Motility

    • Morphology

  • Reduces DNA fragmentation of the sperm

  • Rejuvenates the reproductive system

  • Increases vigor & energy


For Female:

  • Full body detoxification

  • Regulates menstrual cycle

  • Promotes ovulation

  • Balances hormones

  • Improves egg quality

  • Enhances endometrial thickness

  • Rejuvenates the reproductive system

  • Increases chances of early conception


At Shreshtha Ayurvedic center, we offer classical Panchakarma programs for Pre-conception for couples. When you sign-up for one of these programs, you can avail a free consultation with our Senior Ayurveda Consultants- Dr Santosh S/ Dr Anupama S.

Ayurveda looks at each person as a bio-individual and does not subscribe to one size- fits all model. Our doctors will choose the right herbs, oils and medicines suitable for you to undergo the Pre-conception Panchakarma. Diet and lifestyle advice to promote fertility will naturally be a part of the program.

Who will benefit from Detoxification therapies with Pre-conception Panchakarma programs?


  • Planning to conceive

  • To improve sperm and egg quality

  • With irregular period

  • With co-morbidities like Diabetes, Obesity, Thyroid problems

  • History of previous abortion/miscarriage

  • Low AMH

  • Looking for IVF support

  • To improve chances of early conception

  • Wishing to give the best health to their baby


Call/WhatsApp us on 9900651800 to know more.

Panchakarma for Skin diseases

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There are many studies and documented cases with successful treatment of Skin diseases with Panchakarma. Skin diseases are more than skin deep and Panchakarma which initiates healing from inside out through detoxification is most suited for treating skin diseases effectively.


  • Flushing out of toxins

  • Blood purification

  • Reduction in inflammation

  • Improves gut health

  • Relieves constipation

  • Balances doshas causing skin problem

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At Shreshtha Ayurvedic center, we offer classical Panchakarma programs for skin diseases. When you sign-up for this program, you can avail a free consultation with our Senior Ayurveda Consultants- Dr Santosh S/ Dr Anupama S.

Ayurveda looks at each person as a bio-individual and does not subscribe to one size- fits all model. Our doctors will choose the right herbs, oils and medicines suitable for you to undergo the Panchakarma for skin diseases. Diet and lifestyle advice to promote healing of the skin condition will naturally be a part of the program.

Who will benefit from Panchakarma for Skin diseases?

Patients suffering from

  • Eczema

  • Psoriasis

  • Dermatitis

  • Skin allergies

  • Non- healing wounds/ulcers

  • Hyper pigmentation

  • Hidradenitis Suppurativa

  • Auto immune skin conditions

  • Seborrheic dermatitis


Call/WhatsApp us on 9900651800 to know more.

Pain management programs

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Pain is the body’s cry for help. Most often, the solution offered are pain killers which can manage to suppress that cry, that too only temporarily, but is unable to treat the cause behind the pain. Ayurveda has two unique tools- Panchakarma & Viddhagnikarma to help give long term relief from pain. These procedures primarily address the imbalance of Vatha dosha which is the root cause of all pains.

What are the benefits from Panchakarma for pain management?

  • Reduces inflammation in the body

  • Flushes out toxins

  • Reduces severity of pain

  • Slows rate of degeneration

  • Improves mobility

  • Improves sleep quality

  • No side effects

At Shreshtha Ayurvedic center, we offer classical Panchakarma programs for Pre-conception for couples. When you sign-up for the Pain management program, you can avail a free consultation with our Senior Ayurveda Consultants- Dr Santosh S/ Dr Anupama S.

Ayurveda looks at each person as a bio-individual and does not subscribe to one size- fits all model. Our doctors will choose the right herbs, oils and medicines suitable for you to undergo the pain management Panchakarma program. Diet and lifestyle advice to promote fertility will naturally be a part of the program.

Who will benefit from Pain management program with Panchakarma?

Patients with

  • Rheumatoid Arthritis

  • Osteo Arthritis

  • SLE

  • IVDP- Intervertebral disc prolapse

  • Low back pain

  • Spondylosis (Lumbar and Cervical)

  • Avascular necrosis of head of femur

  • Partial tear of ACL and MCL

  • Achilles Tendinitis

  • Tennis elbow

  • Frozen shoulder

  • Plantar fasciitis

  • Calcaneal spur

  • Trigeminal neuralgia

  • Migraine

  • Diabetic neuropathy

  • Knee pain

  • Other painful conditions


Call/WhatsApp us on 9900651800 to know more.

Success Stories with Panchakarma Treatments

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