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Female infertility treatment with Ayurveda


Updated: Feb 17, 2023

What is female infertility?

Female infertility refers to a woman’s incapacity to conceive and carry a child to term.

In Ayurveda, fertility is described as the natural manifestation of the overall health of an individual. It is the fruit of the equilibrium of one’s physical and psychological well-being. Both in males and females, fertility is the action of ‘Shukra’ dhatu

Infertility is commonly defined as the inability to conceive after one year of unprotected intercourse. In Ayurveda, Vandhyatva or infertility includes both primary and secondary infertility and repeated pregnancy loss.

How is infertility treatment with Ayurveda different from conventional treatment?

According to Ayurveda, apart from the tridoshas (Vata, Pitta and Kapha), there are 7 dhatus (body tissues) which are responsible for formation, nourishment and holding the body together. Shukra dhaatu is the 7th dhatu, which means it is the essence of all the other 6 dhatus. Shukra dhatu can be compared to the male and female reproductive system. For simpler understanding, Shukra dhatu can be considered the 7th floor in a building. The other 6 dhatus- Rasa, Rakta, Mamsa, Medas, Asthi and Majja are the dhatus which are forming a fundamental foundation for Shukra dhatu.

Most often, the conventional treatment of infertility involves only working on the Shukra dhatu directly without correcting the problems of the other dhatus. This may indeed be the common reason behind the failure of infertility treatments with conventional medicine. With Ayurveda, the treatment of ‘Vandhyatva’ or infertility is a comprehensive approach addressing the issues of the shukra dhatu as well as the other 6 dhatus.

What are the factors responsible for Garbhotpatti (conception)?

Ayurveda mentions four main factors responsible for conception :-

1.Ruthu which means the right time. This refers to the pre ovulation time (days around ovulation)

2.Kshetra means location of conception. This refers to a healthy Garbhashaya (uterus)

3.Ambu means nutrition. It refers to the capability of nourishing the fertilized matter

4.Beeja refers to the sperm and ovum.

Any anomalies in the above 4 factors can lead to female infertility. Disorders like thyroid, diabetes, or hormonal imbalance can set the body into a negative receptive environment for conception and certain autoimmune conditions in females treat the sperms as foreign bodies and try to kill them.

Ayurveda prescribes several preconception purification methods to improve the chances of conception. These can be panchakarma treatments for both the male and female partners to improve their fertility quotient and conceive a healthy progeny. Ayurvedic panchakarma therapies work beautifully when it comes to female infertility or subfertility, especially the subfertility which is triggered by conditions like PCOS, and Endometriosis.

Along with the Panchakarma purification therapies, vaidyas can recommend suitable food, yoags, and lifestyle changes to support fertility. This is a unique and holistic approach of Ayurveda towards conception. While treating infertility vaidyas not only give you physical medicines but also focus on your emotional state such as fear, insecurities, guilt, desperation, anger & frustration along with others.

As stress and depression can reduce fertility, harmonizing your mental and physical state is very important. To bring balance to your body and mind, vaidyas apply personalized counseling techniques and help you to achieve a healthy pregnancy.

Female infertility treatment with Ayurveda | Shreshtha Ayurveda

What are the many factors causing female infertility?

  1. Ovarian factors:

    1. Anovulation (no ovulation) or oligo ovulation (infrequent ovulation)

    2. Premature Ovarian Failure (reducing ovarian function)

    3. Any cyst/growths/infection in the ovaries or PCOD

    4. Luteal phase defect (where the progesterone level is not sufficient to implant and sustain the fertilized matter)

    5. Luteinized unruptured follicle (failure of the follicle to rupture and release the ovum)

  2. Uterine factors:

    1. Uterine fibroids/polyps

    2. Adenomyosis and Endometriosis

    3. Chronic Pelvic Inflammatory Disease

    4. Any anatomical defects in the uterus like septate uterus and on on.

  3. Tubal factors: Issues like hydrosalpinx can contribute to female infertility

  4. Cervical factors: Cervicitis, cervical polyps, etc can contribute to infertility

  5. Systemic factors: Infertility may be a result of other disease conditions like hypothyroidism, PCOS, Diabetes mellitus,s, and so forth.

Now, no more struggling with infertility. At, Shreshtha Ayurvedic Center and Kottakkal Arya Vaidya Sala, we take a holistic approach and look at all the factors involved in fertility issues.

We create customized protocols that help address your specific situation, whether it’s because of PCOS, low sperm count or endometriosis.

Schedule your consultation today!

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